Deuteronomy 08

Deuteronomy #8 This lecture continues the study of laws pertaining to ordinary everyday lives in the context of ancient Israel. It covers forbidden relationships, the sanctity of the military camp, and other related laws. All along, in the book of Deuteronomy, Moses's focus remains the sanctification of Israel. His singular focus is proper modes of worship before the Lord and therefore appropriate behavior in all walks of life. It is sometimes tempting to focus on the specifics of each law and lose track of the big picture: why were these laws given in the first place? The laws addressing forbidden relationships are less about what is being forbidden and more about what is the proper conduct before the Lord. Moses knows that he was prevented from entering into the Promised Land by his disobedience and this singular event colors his reflection in Deuteronomy. He wants Israel to be obedient, faithful, and morally upright before the Lord because God deserves nothing less. He knows God is holy, supremely so, and he wants Israel to mirror this holiness so that God may be honored and Israel may live in peace This imperative, this call to holiness is no less urgent today. "Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect," the Lord commands us and by studying the laws enacted by Moses we deepen our understanding of this holiness the Lord wants us to attain.

Deuteronomy #8

This lecture continues the study of laws pertaining to ordinary everyday lives in the context of ancient Israel. It covers forbidden relationships, the sanctity of the military camp, and other related laws.

All along, in the book of Deuteronomy, Moses's focus remains the sanctification of Israel. His singular focus is proper modes of worship before the Lord and therefore appropriate behavior in all walks of life.

It is sometimes tempting to focus on the specifics of each law and lose track of the big picture: why were these laws given in the first place?

The laws addressing forbidden relationships are less about what is being forbidden and more about what is the proper conduct before the Lord. Moses knows that he was prevented from entering into the Promised Land by his disobedience and this singular event colors his reflection in Deuteronomy. He wants Israel to be obedient, faithful, and morally upright before the Lord because God deserves nothing less. He knows God is holy, supremely so, and he wants Israel to mirror this holiness so that God may be honored and Israel may live in peace

This imperative, this call to holiness is no less urgent today. "Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect," the Lord commands us and by studying the laws enacted by Moses we deepen our understanding of this holiness the Lord wants us to attain.

Deuteronomy 08

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